Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 2, 2009

Catching Up

Finally able to ride the elephant rocker Daddy bought before he was born. Affectionately named "Peanut Butter".
Finally 'warm' enough to play outside yesterday, using the term 'warm' loosely.

In his new bathrobe, trying to get out of it!

I've been horrible about posting, I blame it on the terrible cold and the first trimester. I'll try to remember the highlights. We went to the UK from the 6th to the 14th of January. We found out the day before that Jack still had the 2 ear infections he had the week of Christmas. So we flew out in a bundle of nerves and with a new antibiotic. Jack was perfect on all the flights (his ears didn't seem to bother him) and loved running around the airports. We had a great time with Frances, Bridget, and Ruth and were able to see quite a bit of family. If you go to the web albums you can see the photos in the January album. All 3 of us kept the colds we had before the trip during the trip and brought them home. We arrived home to record low temperatures. Our winters are always bitter, but the day after we arrived home it was minus 5 Fahrenheit. This was also just in time for some of the lovely pregnancy sickness to set in :-). We found out the next week that Jack still had both ear infections and a cold, most likely exacerbated by our trip. So we tried another antibiotic (this is our last chance before an ENT referral) and have our follow up tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. Its been fairly cold still the last few weeks (mostly in the teens and 20s) and we had over 6 inches of snow last week. It was very pretty but caused Phil to have a snow day. It stayed around most of the week and just melted this weekend with our tropical highs in the 40s!!!! It is amazing how warm it felt. We've been so careful with getting him well, we didn't let Jack play in the snow. He did get to play in some leftover snow at the park yesterday and loved it. I will try to be better at updating! I am adding the rest of our December photos to the December album, so be sure to check it and the January and February ones!

Edited to add: I want to start the year out right trying to remember birthdays and things. So, a belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Chandler and Brandi on December 29th and belated HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to Chandler on January 12th and Grampa George (101) on January 29th.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love the pics. Hope Jack is more responsive to the antibiotics this time around. He's such a trooper! Can't wait to see you guys next month. Hope it will be warmer here than it is in MO!!